To go back to my Website: ingeborgkootpottery.com

Today I transplanted huge Western Sword ferns which were growing on my compost heap. They are massive and elegant and I simply love them in my garden. Seems simple enough, but hope they take.

Western Sword ferns (Polystichum munitum) Wood fern family

Then I spotted some Deer Ferns, a shapely fern with leathery basal fronds which stays evergreen and added these to my garden as well. (Blechnum spicant)

This is a view into the forest 

Even the forest has loads of work for us to attend to 

in the forest

our new apple trees 

Blue berry bush which needs pruning too

always hunting and on the look out 
an empty patch .... 

some beans came up 

cleaned these old branches up 

looking a little better 

thank you for introducing me to sheet mulching Sandy (sandymillerpottery.com)

Woodpecker at work .... really?????

we all like to garden

loads of these around 

study blog - the love of my life 

clean up and unpack 
a little love and a start to a great garden 

finding loads of rubbish bins like these in the forest - could be my sawdust kiln 

The move to our new home went well and thanks to our friends for all the help, the many Donuts and coffee, we are all settled in.
What a gorgeous place this is. So quiet except for the bull frogs, even heard the Coyotes the other night. Keeping my animals with me and inside at night. The vegetable garden was empty and although late we managed to get some seeds going. I cheated and bought some vegy plants.

Radishes are all happy as they show their tiny leaves almost immediately.

Its overwhelming really, how much work is needed here. It took us 2 weekends to cut the much overgrown grass and now the challenge is to keep it short. I have to divide my time in the garden and the home equally and find there is no time left for pottery or even drawing.

The forest is beautiful and yet no garden or flowering border around this house at all. I find this so strange, as there is not a tiny flower or plant coming up anywhere and yet there is so much space.
When we were house hunting we saw some stunning grand flower gardens, but this one has none. We have apple trees though, and at this stage its hard to tell which apple it is. Four large blue-berry bushes and then all the wild bushes.

My boxes with fragile pottery made it safely over to this side. The kiln needs repair and the workshop needs unpacking. Every day is exciting and too short. The garden ... its a clean palette.

and then, the other love of my life is on the other side of the Ocean. Check out her beautiful Studio at Atelier Waspe or http://ltwaspe.wordpress.com/
So proud of her.