To go back to my website:

Our garden this Summer has been wonderful, hard work and loads of Vitamin K in our Collard. The best are the critters around us, but how to manage them is yet an other feat. Love it, I do. The Pottery is still but a dream and needs tidying, building and further hard work. Biking has been great and mastered my first rocks this year.

Underneath is Dirt

Love dirty hands

Compost in the making

Sheet mulching for next year

Next years dirt

Rubbish, nails and all sorts left behind for us to sort out

Found in the forest, anywhere and everywhere....

Gathering more rubbish from the forest - my pottery studio space to be
Cabbages and collard then .....

Brussels sprouts and more, now

Amazing vegypatch

On guard



Our herb border

Mr Deer 4 o'clock came to nibble the beans and such

Mr Deer 4 o'clock

Summer salad from the garden

Dear friends and Birthday gifts

Amazing Reference

More amazing T-pot - Joop Crompvoets

Lorien's gift

More birthday day treats

I am pottering in the garden and making loads of jam

Our woodpecker works non-stop - it wont be long before the tree toppels

Rather lovely

and it was Canada day - a gift from a Canadian friend

Love using these - Niek Hoogland pottery

The grass in green on both sides of the fence, maintaining it keeps you young